Sunday, August 30, 2009


There was no internet yesterday (Saturday)... so this is yesterday's post..

Played ping-pong today with one of the tourists today and won! After the guy told me that I could "win back my honor" after having "lost my pants" when I played against another tourist earlier. I let that guy win, seriously. Didn't know he would walk around and tell the every tourist in town. Not that that is much of an effort: I think right now there are about 6 guests in town. Low season. And everybody knows everybody. Quite particular. :)

I went and talk to the lady who is operating a dive center in town. I wanted to find out what sites would be good to set up a "No take marine zone" (a zone in which no fishing is allowed, so that the corals and other marine life can regenerate). She told me a couple of spots where there are still some corals and some marine life left, hence would be worth protecting. In case you're interested:
Anyway, her husband had a stroke recently. So now he is feeling a bit better and came out and sat with us while we talked. He was bones and skin only, really. His thighs were about has thick as my wrists, maybe not even that. So he sat with us, and his sick, weak body got to smoke one cigarette after another. It was disturbing to watch...

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