Monday, September 21, 2009

That's all, folks! ;)

I often have a nagging voice in my head, that keeps questioning whether what I've done or achieved is good enough, and whether it's time quite yet to rest. Port Barton in that sense is a really good place: The town has a certain atmosphere to it, which seems to say "Just do nothing. It's ok!" It's hard to describe, but I could understand why people would want to come back to it.

On my last day, we took these pics with everyone from Singapore and the staff.

I left the resort on the 14th of September. In Singapore I stayed for a night in the Crowne Plaza at the Airport. Might be the best hotel ever for me. I had floor-to-ceiling windows and perfect views of the runway!

Then onwards to Bali on the 15th. Just to fall sick. Had fever all the way through until today (20th), the day on which I'm travelling back to Germany. Kinda feel deprived of my Bali and Singapore experience to which I was looking forward to so much. Anyway, such is life, I guess!

The entrepreneur Paul Hawken recently said in a graduation speech: "When asked if I am pessimistic or optimistic about the future, my answer is always the same: If you look at the science about what is happening on earth and aren’t pessimistic, you don’t understand data. But if you meet the people who are working to restore this earth and the lives of the poor, and you aren’t optimistic, you haven’t got a pulse." In many ways, this is also a good summary for my time in the Philippines starting this social enterprise. To learn about some of the wrongdoings in society and damages done to nature was painful. At the same time I had incredibly uplifting experiences talking to people who have the passion and capabilities to work against destructive forces.

By now, my "replacement" has taken over. We had 3 very intensive days of handover (i felt sorry, her head must have been spinning!). She seemed to have a great start. In her very few days, she achieved a lot of things already. Which kinda makes me think whether I made most efficient use of my time there. Oh, there's the nagging voice again...

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