Monday, August 31, 2009


You know how there's this idiom "Bookworm", i.e., a person who reads a lot? So, here at the resort we have a table with books for guests to read. It is mainly made up of books that guests have left here at the resort. Since I wanted to have a place to put up the new computer for guest use, I decided to clean up that table and use half of it for the computer. So I went through the books to see which ones could be thrown away (half of them were written before I was born, I think) and was thrilled to see that worms were actually eating some of the books. So, are these now called "bookworm" as well? Probably not... Anyway, so we threw the books and also the table away (the table got attacked as well), because I wasn't sure if these are modern bookworms that are also into IT these days.

Tonight I am spending most of my time teaching the staff how to use a computer. For some of them it is literally the first time using a keyboard. Fun stuff! :)

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